jueves, 23 de febrero de 2023

came clean but never said sorry

do you read this together and laugh?
talk shit behind my back like I do about you?
or do you not care at all? 
kept selfishly living your life, like I pretended to do.

I've come to realize grief is not linear
and that's the scariest part,
that today I might find myself genuinely laughing,
but then a wave of sadness fills me the next day.

this is why I needed to step away
I didn't want to trick you into thinking everything was fine
and then stab you in the back with my words. 
like I know how to do too well.

i wanted to hurt you with my absence
but also protect you from me. 

the olive branch that I untimely extended, 
it dried out because I could never say the words
I'm sorry, 
I love you, 
I forgive you. 

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